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Forney Exhibits at Power-Gen International

Power gen iternational
Forney’s booth at Power-Gen International (Las Vegas, NV, 2015). Pictured above are some of our products including samples of our igniters, burners & flame detectors.

Forney exhibited at POWER-GEN International at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV between December 8th – 10th, 2015.  POWER-GEN International is the world’s largest power generation event focusing on the industry’s latest innovations, technical trends and business strategies. This year the show had more than 22,000 attendees and 1,400 exhibitors.

This year Forney exhibited the full range of product offerings including Burners, Igniters, Dampers, and Controls.  Forney’s focus was to emphasize the adVantage® duct burner, FlameHawk® turbine flame detector, and air preheater seals.  We were also pleased to share some of our recent accomplishments with customers, including conversions from oil to gas,  duct burner projects, new coal burner installations, and flame detector solutions for difficult applications.  Visitors were also pleased to witness the full integration of the recently acquired Damper Design products such as low NOx coal burner, expansion joints, air heater seals, and entry doors.

Members of Forney’s engineering & sales teams including CEO Tom Demrick, as well as sales representatives from various parts of USA attended the event to answer questions and discuss Forney’s cutting edge combustion control and efficiency improvement technologies. This year Forney’s booth was visited by several global customers as well as OEM, sales and project partners. Forney also hosted a hospitality suite at the Las Vegas Country Club.

In 2016, Forney will be exhibiting at several tradeshows around the globe including:

  • Bismarck Energy Generation Conference, Bismarck, ND from January 26-28, 2016
  • HRSG Users Group, in New Orleans, LA from February 22-24, 2016
  • 501F Vendor Fair in San Antonio, TX on February 22, 2016
  • Power-Gen Europe, in Milan, Italy from June 21-23, 2016
  • Power Gen International, in Orlando, FL from December 13-15, 2016
  • Turbine user group conferences