The UniFlame® II’s integrated amplifier eliminates the remote flame amplifier and incorporates two independent flame relays with electronic self-checking, adjustable ON/OFF thresholds and two 4-20 mA analog outputs from the detector. Each flame relay can be set for either sensor (one for UV, one for IR or both for UV or both for IR). Independent settings for each relay allow “locked on” detection for any type of flame.
Set-up can be done locally using the attached keypad & VFD display, via a wireless handheld programmer or with Forney Explorer Software (FEX). The optional wireless handheld programmer creates an intrinsically safe wireless set-up when using the infrared transmitter within 5 feet of the detector, eliminating the need to open the detector in order to make program changes. FEX Software allows users to monitor, display and program all detector parameters remotely, i.e. from the control room. The detector has three factory default files provided in various sensitivity levels that can be used to initiate and test the detector. The auto tune feature allows the user to learn the “flame on” and “background” conditions to automatically set the detector up.
Connecting to the UniFlame® II is done by multi-pin connectors or terminal blocks. The standard UniFlame® II has one 8-pin and one 12pin electrical cable quick disconnect while the CEX versions use internal terminal blocks for cable connection.
UniFlame II Technical Bulletin
Publication Number 404005-24
UniFlame Technical Bulletin Publication
Number 404005-08
Maximum Flexibility
Universal Housing
WorldWide Agency Approvals